Saturday, February 06, 2010

Not ever one can to be a special ops person; its a select profession.

Feb. 6

Todays training:

Morning: running intervals on flat course for 30 min. . Great run with no pains!

Warm-up: Indian Clubs for 10 min. ,

“Convict conditioning”: 100 squats, 800 meter C2 rowing

100 pushups,800 meters C2 rowing

100 situps(abmats) 800 meters C2 rowing

Heavy bag work: hands and feet. 15 min.

4 min set with 16 kg push press

4 min set of cleans with 16 kg.

One of the most prolific and talented promoters of fitness around has come out with a DVD and system that tries to look like a fitness techniques that a military special operator would use . His back ground and abilities speak for its self as one who has his shit in one bag. I have purchased some of his material as it is quality, but when it comes to military training, that is a diffent animal. I see no problem with the military utilizing this gentleman’s skills,but the general public will get little from this unless they are reinforced constantly,as they are high level skill sets. All that being said, he has come out with a new program which is intended to get people to train at a level that inspires you to be fit like a special ops person in the military. However, few can ever come close to what is required of a special ops person other that wishfull thinking.

I have some experience with knowing a number of special ops members in my life including a training partner for many years, who was a former Navy UDT. Military Special ops personel , weather a SEAL or Green Beret, are basically career military who have few years in the service, then request selection program, complete a rigorous process where less than 40% pass, then train to be an operator for a year or more where only 10 percent become full fledged special ops personnel. That’s pretty much how the rest of the world selects their special operators.

What you are seeing is the picking the “best of the litter” of special people who have unique attributes that most of us don’t have and can’t obtain by just being fit. You are talking about the top 5 % of our military population in terms of fitness, and intelligence. Fitness is a considerable asset especially endurance, but intelligence is key. That is the component that is not intergrated into few fitnss programs. A GQ fitness model or MMA fighter would not last one day in the life of a full time special ops person in a war zone.

Also when special ops personnel are operating in the field or “taking care of business” they can’t exercise consistently like they did in training, Plus they are subjected to highly stressful situations, poor diets due to availability and long periods of being “ in country ” that don’t allow you to maintain your basic fitness. THAT IS REAL MILITARY LIFE IN THE FAST LANE. After you, as a special operator comes off an assignment of weeks or months, you may not look like a GQ model, but you will be respect in the eyes of the rest of the military establishment.

Myself I never had any intention of being a special ops person because I saw firsthand what they did and how they got that way. I don’t like swimming in ice cold water, carrying 80lbs back packs for 20 miles at a clip, eating manufactured food out of a plastic bags, nor jumping out of perfectly good planes, sleeping under the stars alongside snakes, rats and insects, playing gun fighter where people shoot back as well as you do. It can be truly unglamorous but it is a very honorable profession for those who want to step up.

So when I see a lot of kettlbell web sites and fitness organizations drop names of special ops organizations all over the world, I don’t think they have a qualified idea that their fitness system can support or resemble any part of the special ops training programs. One last thing, don’t pass yourself off as a present or former special ops person as it is a small community and you will be found out, then your name added to the “wall of shame” of phonies , on the internet for all to see. (this does not apply to real former special ops members that retired and started their own version of fitness based on some of their background.)

Have a nice day

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