Sunday, February 14, 2010

Maybe we can use kettlebells to cure obesity

Feb. 13

Todays training:

Morning: short run

Warm-up: Indian Clubs for 10 min. ,

“Convict conditioning”: 100 pushups

20 ring pullups

100 leg ups

100 prisoner squats

5 Rounds for tim

50 heavy Kettlebell swings

10 burpees

The president’s wife, 1st. lady, Michelle Obama is embarking on a program to eliminate childhood obesity. If anyone is to be successful in this endeavor, it could be her, as she has a ear to the youth of the country at this time and their parents. I wash her all the luck and support but I must say it will not be a walk in the park by having her name to the process.

Kids are getting fatter for a number of reasons and not totally related to food consumption or selection. True, the youth of today tends to eat too much of the wrong foods, however, if they were encouraged by their parents , who by the way have the greatest influence on the success or failure of a childs upbringing, to be more active and focused on education and physical development. Have you heard this before? Forget about the government or local school boards controlling the diet or vending machines of your children, Pack your own children’s lunch so you have control and not someone else.

Mrs, Obama, forget about taking to the youth that much, as they are not stupid and are aware of their situation by the pounding the media, schools and government officials that see this as “green mission” to stop the fat kid generation. We need to focus on the parents; they have the reasonability and can affect the direction of the child’s development better than anyone else. Yes, now its time to pound the guardian’s of our future generations, which makes this a more vital issue to our future survival. Parents have to be made responsible for our children WITH OUT RESERVATION OR EXCPETION! End of story. A little Tough love please!

I must add that there is a easy out to look at body weight as a indicator of health but that is a false position. There are a lot of thin under weight children and adults that a grossly unhealthy, so it not the scale as the qualifier, but total life style and wellness.( did you ever see a addicted obese crack/Meth addict ?)

Mrs. Obama should encourage their children’s parents that their success will only be a result of preparing for their adult lives, that will not be easy if they are overweight, unhealthy, or lack the physical and mental ability to stand on their own two feet, in an environment of total uncertainty .

Please Mrs Obama, don’t use the media elite like actors and sports types, who are the most indulgent persons in our county and probable has enable some of the life style afflictions we currently have. Use good role models who have gain success by hard work......they are out there.

Mrs. Obama Can you convey these concepts to the depend public? I hope so.


Boris T said...

using good role models is a challenge. Hard work and dedication doesn't carry the same flash as celebrity. I wish her the best in getting the kids out of obesity.

C. Ialis said...

It is good to do hard work. But this does not hold the same taste as the great people. It is also good that the kids appear slim for their good health.