Monday, November 10, 2008

A business on a decline

Nov.11th. wed.

Exercise machine circa 1900. over a hundred years later and they still try to get fit without working hard.

"You manage things, you lead people. We went overboard on management and forgot about leadership. It might help if we ran the MBAs out of Washington.
-Grace Murray Hopper

WO du jour:

warm up with stretch bands and joint mobility.

set C2 rower for 30 sec work,30 sec rest. 15 sets and last set a 1;37 /500 meters.

10 min on heavy bag

second session:

1-16kg press 10l/10r

1-16kg snatch 10l/10r

2-16kg press 10 reps

2-20 kg press 5 reps in one min. for 10 sets. static hold at top of press.

10 pullups to chest.

I was reading the other day in a fitness club business journal that this year was the first time there was a decrease in fitness or health club memberships. Now this was before the current accelerated down turn in the economy deep into the toilet. Making things worse, there is a demographic change in the number of 18-45year age group who historically join health clubs. Since the normal attrition rate of membership in health clubs is 25-30 per cent that have to be made up each year, its going to be a continuing decline in club membership as there will not be the numbers that normally make up for members who quit each year. Every 3 years there is almost a complete turn over in club membership that has to be recruited.

The solution the journal has to regain membership levels, was to bring in a new group to fill the clubs thread mills. The group what the business experts suggested was to get the "seniors" into the club and make it more "senior friendly" What does that mean? souffle boards, chest sets, or mini golf . I got a new flash for the experts of business treads, N.F.W! Seniors already know about health clubs and if they as a group, would be there now. Yes, this is a increasing demographic group as the "baby boomers" retire, but if they were inclined to join, they would have long before they retired.

I belong to this "baby boomer" generation. Those of us who exercise are commited to the cause, but the ones who have not, will not be inclined and if they do decide to "regain their youth" then you will have to comvert your club to handycap organized, lots of AED's in every room and Bing Crosby music. Then you have to get your personal trainers to work with them and few trainers want to deal seniors when you can work with some hottie.

My suggestion is try to Keep the members you have by offering servives and facilties that get results for the time you put in. Because you are not going to get 25 per cent more "geezers" to refill you club.

have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

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