Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Be thankful for what we have.

nov. 26 thanksgiving

Forget the diet stuff and do the dirty deal! Happy thanksgiving.

There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely

American. O. Henry

WO du jour:
1 mile run followed by 100 pushups and 150 squats
1mile run followed by 100 pushups and 150 squats
26 min.

this was done early in the morning with temp at 18 deg. It took the second set of mile and pushup-squats to break a sweat. Kind of a "Murph" routine without the pullups.

Nov. 25th.

"The hell to be endured hereafter, of which theology tells, is no worse than the hell we make for ourselves in this world by habitually fashioning our characters in the wrong way.
-William James,

WO du jour:

2 mile walk/run in the morning. good quick pace on the run.
Second session:

Kettlebell side swings. 2x24kgX 20 reps X 5 sets.

Kettlbell seated: 2x20kgx10x10

Kettlebell long cycle clean 2-24kgx10 repsx10 sets.

Dumbell dead hang cleans 2-60lbsx5x10sets.

Today India was attacked by a terrorist who killed scores of incidence people. We have to continuously remind our selves her in the US that we are all targets;young,old, rich, poor. As long this human blight continues to breath the same air we do, we will always have to look over our shoulders.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

You will ride in heven.

Nov 25th. Tues.
Sad news today, our friend Bob who love to ride his bike with his Friends on long sojourns across the county side. Bob was a professional person, gentlemen, father,bicyclists and strong supporter of preserving land for future generations in trust. I will miss his conversations on our long Sunday rides.
Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.

WO du jour: dedicated to our friend and riding companion...Bob, who passed away today.

"Cardio from hell"

6 continuous sets of the following:

25o meters on C2 rower

50 good form air squats.

100 rope jumps

10 reps kettlebell 20kg. snatch(hard style) on each arm.
27 mins.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

We don't need actors for role models.

Nov 24th. Monday.

Miss Lopez uses Kettlebells......aren't you impressed?

Don’t call me an icon, honey. An icon is something you hang in a Russian church. Call me Dame Elizabeth or call me an aging movie star.
-Elizabeth Taylor

WO du jour:

warmup: 2000 meters of rowing.
100 admats situps
50 wall balls with 20lb ball
25 deadlifts with 155lb BB
100 pushups
50 16kg kettlebell wall balls
25 deadlifts with 155lbs BB
500 jump ropes
50 16kg KB wall balls.
25 deadlifts with 155lb BB

38min. and a stiff workout.

Second session:

"Battling ropes" for 5 min. total. good warm up

Kettlebell pressing: 4o#x5, 50#x5,60#x5, 70#x5x5sets.

DB tri extensions: 55#x5x5.

I Goggle the word "kettlebell "and get 5-20 hits a day when there is an article or blog that highlights kettlebells. Invariably you read about some trainer who has taken up kettlebell lifting as a new routine for some personal training or class format. Then they drop names like Jennifer Aniston or Jennifer Lopez are now addicted to kettlebells, and that is how they got their physical presence. Its an endorsement by the rich and famous by just dropping their names, which adds to the trainers selling success. Kettlebells my friend, sell them selves assuming you know how to best apply them as a training tool.

I never put stock in any celebrity that gives an endorsement. Just because they became a race of beautiful people, does not make what they say more important than the next person you meet. Most have dysfunctional lifestyles, which we don't really want to follow anyway.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

be happy in your work.

Nov.22 sat

American worker is what made our country strong.

"A lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A., M.D., or Ph.D. Unfortunately, they don't have a J.O.B."
-Fats Domino

WO du jour:

15min on bike rollers...too cold to ride outside with a temp of less that 20 deg.

10 intervals with 30 sec on 30 sec off on C2 rower.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 sand bag front squat.
2 min work and 2 min. rest

4 sets of 16kg long cycle cleans

4 sets of 16kg snatch

1 set fig 8 and hold.

have a great day suffering and remember this mission is sacred.

you can fool some of the people some of the time.....

Nov 23th Sunday

"Integrity is crucial for business success - once you can fake that, you've got it made."
-Henry Ford

WO du jour:
5x400 meter runs at moderate speed on track.
10 x100 meters at sprint pace.
100 swings with 20kg.kettlebell as a cool down. That is a conflict in down, with an ambient temperature of 15 deg.
The automobile manufacturing companies, had better find a real business model, because the one they have now is an imitation of a business.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

big kettlebells big results

Nov 21 thurs.

snort that and you get a sugar high.

"I'm either shooting nine grams of coke a day or spending two hours at the gym. There's no middle ground.
Dave Navarro

WO du jour:

2 mile walk run combo. first thing in the morning.

Second session:

20 reps power cleans with 135#

20 reps with 32kg. kettlebell stright press.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pinky and the Brain fun.


"If you're not having fun it's not worth doing.
Tommy Bolin

WO du jour:

"Pinkey and the brain"

A short 8 foot hands only rope climb hands only.

100 pushups: 50,20,10, 10,10 reps

rope climb

100 20lbs ball slam: non stop thats mind numming

rope climb

100 box jumps: 50,50 reps

rope climb

100 reg dead lifts with 130 lbs.: 50, 20,20,10reps

rope climb

100 KTE sets of 10 they really suck and I get not that much out of them.

rope climbing

100 24kg swings One handed

34 mins.

I copied this WO from a Flatirons crossfit web site. My wife likes Pinkey and the Brain and it looked like good session. I modified it as I did not have a full length climbing rope and did not do the burpees as I ran out of time. The next time I will add the burpees but the SLHP is too much on the erectors. the KTE really suck. May use the Getup situp the next time.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is saced.

Monday, November 17, 2008

good kettlebell snatch workout

Nov.18 tues.

Make extra copies please!

The young always have the same problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another.

Quentin Crisp

WO du jour:

15 sets of 3o sec. work and 30 sec rest C2 rowing intervals.

200 reps of side Kettlebell swings with 14kg

second session:

100 reps of hard style snatch in 3;49 with comp style 16kg Kettlebell.

20 sets of GS snatch 1 min work, 1 min. rest. for 200 reps.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Invest in your health. Stock market now a poor chose

Nov 17Th. Monday

A market is the combined behavior of thousands of people responding to information, misinformation and whim."
-Kenneth Chang

WO du jour:

18 mile bike ride. Temp. at 40 deg. but a very good ride.

Second session:

Warm up: "Battling ropes" in 30 sec. intervals for 10 sets.

16kg long cycle push press practice: 42 min. with one min intervals.

It does not take a MBA to determine that Investing in the stock market is a fools bet. But If you want to put your money were it is going profit you as a person, is in you physical fitness. Being strong, having stama, will enable you to survive the stressful times as the economy straightens out....... and that may take some time.

20 reps is a good round number.


Bonny Parker had no trouble making difficult decisions.

"We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that is a decision."
-Gary Collins

WO du jour:

warm up and then 10 hill sprint repeats. Legs were quick for a change. 150 yd run.

second session:
bands warm up;
50 pushups
20 ab rollers
20 reps ft.squats, 3 sets of 16kg KB.
20 reps full dips
20 reps 1 leg dead lift with 2-16 kg KB.
20 reps bottoms up with 14kg KB
2o reps ab roller
20 reps Eider arm flush.

I have always performed a 20 rep training period some point during the year, for endurance but it always contained the work capacity component as you move to a power phase. However the weight used most of the time is at a level you can complete 10 reps easy so at rep 15-20 is a stretch. All you need is a month or so of sessions so you go into the new year prepared for hard work.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Good day to deadllif; its raining.


Old picture of a strong man performing a "hip lift" Huge weights were lifted in the past by many strong men of the day.
Appearance rules the world.
Friedrich Schiller

WO du jour:
warmup with bands and 10 min. on heavy bag.

Barbell deadlift: 115-385 for 3 reps each 12 sets total

2-Dumbell dead hang clean and press 40-60 lbs 3 reps for 6 sets total

2-KB side snatch and static hold at top. 12kg. to 28kg. 10 set total.

Have a good day suffering and the mission is sacred

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kettlebell snatch and them some.


I am not a fan of "big Box gyms" but I don't believe they should be trashed by other is the fitness business. Leave the demonizing to the media and politician's which is their expertise.

"Know how sublime a thing is to suffer and be strong.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

WO du jour:

morning run walk of 2 miles. more running.

Second session:
50 reps situps

50 reps goblet squats.

50 reps ring pushups50 reps ring rowing 5 min. fig 8 and catch with static hold at top.( help my rifle shooting arm )
10 mins of 16kg long cycle cleans.

There are only a couple of variations of snatch when using a barbell or dumbbell. However, the Kettlebell has a dozen or more depending how creative you can get with shoulder articulations. This is one of the advantages of kettlebells you have when you first start working on Olympic lifts. It usually requires more flexibility using a barbell, but you can learn the same motion with a kettlebell quickly. After you have perfected the basic kettlebell snatch, you can start to use the variations of lateral, side, frontal, kettlebell snatches. One of my favorite is the lateral snatch which is more of a traversal movement and resets the shoulder into the joint socket better sometimes than the straight frontal snatch. However the most difficult version, is the snatch into a squat clean and up into an overhead squat. Or snatch two kettlebells from the sides of the legs instead of between the legs.

Monday, November 10, 2008

A business on a decline

Nov.11th. wed.

Exercise machine circa 1900. over a hundred years later and they still try to get fit without working hard.

"You manage things, you lead people. We went overboard on management and forgot about leadership. It might help if we ran the MBAs out of Washington.
-Grace Murray Hopper

WO du jour:

warm up with stretch bands and joint mobility.

set C2 rower for 30 sec work,30 sec rest. 15 sets and last set a 1;37 /500 meters.

10 min on heavy bag

second session:

1-16kg press 10l/10r

1-16kg snatch 10l/10r

2-16kg press 10 reps

2-20 kg press 5 reps in one min. for 10 sets. static hold at top of press.

10 pullups to chest.

I was reading the other day in a fitness club business journal that this year was the first time there was a decrease in fitness or health club memberships. Now this was before the current accelerated down turn in the economy deep into the toilet. Making things worse, there is a demographic change in the number of 18-45year age group who historically join health clubs. Since the normal attrition rate of membership in health clubs is 25-30 per cent that have to be made up each year, its going to be a continuing decline in club membership as there will not be the numbers that normally make up for members who quit each year. Every 3 years there is almost a complete turn over in club membership that has to be recruited.

The solution the journal has to regain membership levels, was to bring in a new group to fill the clubs thread mills. The group what the business experts suggested was to get the "seniors" into the club and make it more "senior friendly" What does that mean? souffle boards, chest sets, or mini golf . I got a new flash for the experts of business treads, N.F.W! Seniors already know about health clubs and if they as a group, would be there now. Yes, this is a increasing demographic group as the "baby boomers" retire, but if they were inclined to join, they would have long before they retired.

I belong to this "baby boomer" generation. Those of us who exercise are commited to the cause, but the ones who have not, will not be inclined and if they do decide to "regain their youth" then you will have to comvert your club to handycap organized, lots of AED's in every room and Bing Crosby music. Then you have to get your personal trainers to work with them and few trainers want to deal seniors when you can work with some hottie.

My suggestion is try to Keep the members you have by offering servives and facilties that get results for the time you put in. Because you are not going to get 25 per cent more "geezers" to refill you club.

have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Friday, November 07, 2008

When do you need to be fit?

Nov. 8th. sat.

Deer hunting is fun until you have to drag the carcass out of the woods.

" The goodness of a thing created is the perfection of its fitness for the use which it serves. Now that use is either particular or universal. "
William Ames

WO du jour:
18 mile bike ride first thing in the morning. Temp 55 warm for this time of year.

One of the pieces of training equipment I use ever so often is a weighted drag sled. The main purpose is to train the legs,particularly the hamstring muscle grouping. when you are dragging this sled around you may wonder what functional situation it would be used other than playing football.

Well My Friend ED,who is a fit gentlemen, was hunting last week and was successful in getting his Deer in the wilds of New York State. As a hunter That's what you hope to accomplish each hunting season. Now comes the real fun! You have to drag your gear, tree stand and don't forget the now lifeless deer. I am sure that Ed understands that the deer never drops where you shoot him, the deer more often will run for a time until they expire. so you may have to extricate your deer for a distance you had not planned on traversing. Well Ed got his stuff together and with deer in tow, headed to his vehicle, which was some distance way. If you are dragging a deer, you have to also consider the coefficient of fraction of the hair which makes dragging the deer out more difficult(Bears are worse). Nothing is ever easy in the woods. As a result, Ed got a good leg workout and his fitness came in handy for something. The moral of the story is that if you workout or subscribe to some fitness program, you never have to worry if you are going to complete the mission.

Nov 7th.

Shutting off the thought process is not rejuvenating; the mind is like a car battery - it recharges by running.

Bill Watterson

WO du jour:
joint mobility warm up and 5 min of 12kg cleans
10 min long cycle clean and jerk for 110 reps.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Son, you are going to need dental work.


Look Ma,No hands!

"The people who say they don’t have time to take care of themselves will soon discover they’re spending all their time being sick."
-Patricia Alexander

WO du jour:

3 mile walk/ run. 50-50. Let felt good and contiue to increase the distance running and still maintain speed.

second session: good joint mobility warmup.
10 reps of the following:

one leg pistol squats

24kg snatchs

ab roller

pronated pullups

full dips

Nov. 5th.
WO du jour:

warmup well with bands and joint mobility

8set of three reps of the following with a 30 sec or less rest.

barbell box squat on 12" box.

Deadhang Kb press. 2-28kg

regagade row with 40 kg kettlebells.

weighted pullups

prone tricept extention with 16kg kb.

10 min pushpress with one 16kg kettlebell. over a 100 reps.


This is a picture of the world's tallest tower,a real feat of engineering.

"Being a runner means you are now "free" to win and lose and live life to its fullest."

Bill Rodgers

WO du jour:

3 mile walk-run first thing in the morning.

30 set work sets/30 sec rest. 16kg kettlebell

31 sets of snatches.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Just vote and shutup Please


Don't forget to vote Tuesday.......What!

"It doesn't matter who you vote for. It's still the same billionaires that run the world.

Geezer Butler

WO du jour:

warmup with bands and foam roller

21,15,9 reps AFAP

95lb power clean with full burpee

2-24kg kettlebell out side the leg swing.

18" box jumping

10min 5 sec.

Nov. 2nd.

That's one way to get full extension on the one arm press.

"Speed is a great asset; but it's greater when it's combined with quickness - and there's a big difference.

Ty Cobb

WO du jour:

150 meters sprinting and Kettlebell squatting swings

10 sets of sprinting on track.

10 sets of 16kg kettlebell squatting swing for 25 reps.

took time of first interval and last and reduced by 5 sec. on run.

the squatting swings are a special version of the two handed swing only ending up in a "air squat" position at the height of the swing. Its a real glute or butt activator as well as a good joint mobility motion for the sprinting intervals.