Monday, April 13, 2009

good form is critical

April 14th.

Perfect from for kettlebell GS long cycle

WO du jour:

warmup: bands, heavy thai bag hands and legs.

100 situps

100 ring pushups.

12kg. kettlebell : 3min each hand 1 min rest GS snatch 75 reps per hand

16kg. kettlebell: 3 min each hand 1 min rest GS snatch 70 reps per hand

20kg kettlebell: 1 min each hand no rest GS snatch .25 reps per hand

16kg kettlebell: 2 min long cycle with 30 sec static hold at top and rack.

20kg kettlebell 2 min long cycle with 30sec. static hold at top and rack.

When you perform an athletic movement, it must have consistently the best form possible. The "form" is the most efficient way to execute the action of that physical activity or sport. When you have form constant to the motion desired, you can perform at your highest potential. In essence, you may not reach the professional level but you will be at your best.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Hi Ken! Just found your blog and wanted to say I'm a fan. I hope that when I'm your age I can do half of what you're able to and look half as good doing it. I'll be checking in regularly. I'm a kettlebell newbie (about 10 months in) and I'm inspired by just about everything right now.
