Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 18th

WO du jour:

Rest day: 30 mile bike ride at mostly race pace. The weather was fantastic. It was a little stiff the first 10 miles but came alive the last 20. My kettlebell training makes me almost bullet prof in regards to stress perception, but I would need more rides during the week if I want to push harder. I am about 10 lbs heaver than last year from all the crossfit and kettlebells, but I feel much stronger.

On a side note, as we were on our ride, we saw a fitness gym with their spin bikes working out in the parking lot. It was too good of a day to spend inside for them, but it looked kind of lame as we passed at 20 plus miles per hour. I am not dissing the people who spin, it just that I am thankful I have the health, strenght, ability and craziness to ride on the roads knowing I could be a hood ornament at any time.

April 17th.

WO du jour: "Danny" -a crossfit WOD
In Memory of Dan Sakai of Oakland SWAT, killed on duty march 31st.

Heavy bag warm up, 50 sit ups, 50 push ups, 50 air squats.
as many sets in 20 min.
20" box jump 30 reps.
push press barbell, 100lbs 20 reps
30 pullups
Completed 3 and haft sets. in 20 min. However, did one set of 20 reps 2-24kg. kettlebells.

It was a fairly hard WOD but I did not use the full standard as It would take me two hours to get 90 pull ups without some assistance of my small band. The weight I could handle at 115 lbs.

You don't have to go over seas in one of many war zones, to be in harm's way.

April 16th.

WO du jour:

Battling ropes warm up; 10 sets of 30 sec on 30 sec. off various oscillations.

16kg kettlebell GS push press, snatch and long cycle.
4 mins each hand. 1 min rest.
24 mins total work. with the snatches being the hardest as I kept the pace high at about 80 each hand.

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