Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Juggling kettlebells always fun

April 29th.

Jeff Martone is a master of juggling kettlebells as he calls H2H drills.
WO du jour:

warm up: 10 min on Thai bag hand, elbow, knees and kicking.
50 wall balls with the SHOT and Kettlebell H2H drills, like Jeff Martone showed me. My juggling sucks but it feels good when it comes together.

"Franane" ( a crossfit WOD "Fran" with little more suffering, because Fran is a little short once you get it down.) I could have used kettlebells in place of the sand bag and cut the time but that would be too easy.

21,15,9 reps AFAP

Reg. Dead lift at 220lbs
Sand bag thrusters 80#
pull ups
handstand push ups
10: 22

Note this is not a beginner session. The deadlifts were as always, easy, pull ups had to be partitioned on second set, Hand stand push ups I have not done in a dogs age, but they were reasonable except on last set when I ran out of gas and felt like some one jumped on.
The Sandbag thrusters are killers! I gassed out on the first set, probably because they were sloppy, but the next to sets the form got better, but they were a great for stress loading.
I would use sand bags more often, but I have so many other "toys" and so little time to use then all.

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