Sept. 24 2006
Believe it or not there is another Rocky movie coming out this year. I saw the movie trailer last night at the movies. Either Sylvester needs a new pair of sweats or he just borded. How can we believe a senior citizen can step in the ring with a strong 20 something athletic killer, and survive.....well we can dream can't we. Rocky is a man of my heart. Maybe I can make a come back, however unlike Rocky, I never left. Anyway, the flick once again shows the old Rocky trying to rediscover his youth using of all things, Kettlebells. Watch it Rocky, you are heading into the deep dark recesses of the evil world of kettlebells. This is not a meat locker.
On the upside, because a lot of people can relate to old Rocky, this movie showing the use of Kettlebells can only be a positive one for us trying to convince that this execisee mondality is the way of the future of resistance training.
Short session before breakfast:
Barbell Power cleans 150# sets of 10x5
Kettlebell dead hang cleans 24kg set of 5 each arm x 5
kettlebell figure eight with hold 20 Kg 10x5
45 minutes on bike turbo because it was raining.
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