Saturday, September 23, 2006

Rainy day is a good sometimes

Sept 23, 2006

Well normally I go out in the morning for a club bike ride but as with a lot of weekend this year, its raining. so it looks like I will be in my personal gym, training grounds, fitness domain or what every you call your place to train with a roof over your head. I am fortunate to have a very nice clean, heated, cooled training area for myself and maybe a client or two. My place has all the essencels needed to train like kettlebells, OL set, heavy tai bag, 2 pull up bars, and space to work. The picture I have in my gym to illustrate what a health club at the turn of the century. You notice I have no machines like the picture. That's be cause I use only "close chain" exercises and lifts. The type you use the whole body as a complete unit. Ken and Barbie would not be happy here.
10 min. on the Tai bag for a good warmup. Put on the old MP-3 player with the finest selection of heavy metal to keep pace at a death wish level.

combo session: 10 sets of the following.
Zetler Squats with 24kg Kettlebell for 15 reps
25 pushups
6 pullups
10 figure eights with hold 28kg kettlebell.
Well its not the same as going out to the road for a hard ride but at least it something.

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