Wednesday, September 20, 2006

There is a cool air blowing.

Sept 20. 2006
Well I had to put the heat on in my gym to get the chill off this morning, looks like summer is coming to a close. Also I have to remember to warmup more and have my clients do the same. Today is devoted to pressing or in Kettlebell world "grinds". Started with KB side presses. 16Kg. to 32Kg sets of 3.
Got to press the 36kg once with is a record for me, considering I have lost weight in the last few months from all the cycling this summer.
Floor presses with DB: 75#x5, 85x5x3
DB tri extention: 50#5x5

Did a 20 bike ride at a 19mph pace. Cool day you can really fly, but as with the weights, there has to be a more extensive warmup as the weather get colder. I am fortunate being retired so I can pick the best time of the day to ride but I you have a working schedule, you have to contend with an every increasing colder riding.

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