Thursday, June 04, 2009

June 4th.

1920's girls hockey team....what?
they do use big sticks.

WO du jour:

warmup on heavy bag hands and feet.
5 sets, 15 reps of Dumbells split clean from floor 40lbs each hand
5 sets, 20 reps of prone righ body rowing.

1min./1min. work rest 2-12 kg kettlebells long cycle. 10 sets.

The DB split cleans are a lot harder than they look in regards to stress, you really have to push yourself to keep going.

Worked on the two kettlebell long cycle with the consentration of getting the hand snap at the top to get shoulds packed better and closer to hand.

June 3rd.

WO du jour:
15 mile bike ride on MT bike.

Tai Chi class in morning

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