Tuesday, March 04, 2008

jump down and give me 50.

March 4th,

" Evil to him evil thinks"

King Richard the III

WO Du jour:

50 abmats: great for back.

50 box jumps: 18" too early for 24"

50 jumping pull ups: they may be fast but not that easy.

50 16kg snatches:

50 lunges with 2-10 kg kettlegbells. Not that easy as well

50 KTE kettlebell style

50 push press: 2-12 kg kettlebells (52 lbs) I did 30 then 20 reps. Punked out.

50 good mornings with 24kg kettlebell.

50 wall balls with 14 kg kettlebell (30#) that was fun.

50 burpies: save the best for last.

When I was in the military and later studying Tang Soo do from the Koreans, we were told to drop to the floor and pound out 10 or 20 pushups for not doing the right thing. I look back now, if I was in change of this discipline that number would be a lot higher. There is not usually a day goes by that I don't drop down today and punch out 25-50 pushups, 75 when I feel good, and a 100 when showing off. However, that's the standard pushup, but we all know that if you can do more than 20 pushups you need to do another variation to get more training effect, like a handstand pushup. Anyway for those who can not do at least 20 good pushups; in plank position, full extension from floor, there is really no need to use weights until you can.

Nothing more pitifull seeing a healthy male or female doing light DB presses who can't do one good pushup.

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