Saturday, March 01, 2008

Hybrid kettlebell training.

March 1. (march already? where does the time go?)

" Do something. If it does not work try something else. No idea is too crazy.

Jim Hightower.

Session1: warmup with bands and joint mobility.

" kettlebell Angie"

100 pushups:

100 situps: abmats

100 air squats:

100 kettlebell 24kg. America swing.

100 pullups: band assisted no kipping. ( I REALLY NEED TO IMPROVE MY PULLS UPS)

time: 14;52

session 2: 100 air squats then jump on the rollers for 30 min. at 100 RPM.

Hybrid or sometimes called MET( metabolic enhancement training) , is the basic system I follow most of the time since I stopped competing in a sport. it allows me to do the following: Therefore I use any tool or method necessary to make life a little unconfortable.

  • more work capacity with less time. more time to enjoy pain.

  • more blood flow to all muscle groups all the time.

  • no mental or physical staleness, always ready.

  • more changing of movements from pushing and pulling variations, each routine.

  • power, speed and movement concentration all the time. However speed is prime.

  • more joint range development. Big concentration this year.

  • full body exercise most of the time. who the hell wants a haft a body working!

  • functional movements most of the time. walk and chew gum too.

  • Hormone activation. No sex change however.

  • intense protocol all the time. What else.

  • Use of many types of fitness tools(including hammers) for functional movement.

  • Higher level of fitness. Why be normal.

  • Ever changing program. Boredom sucks.

  • look at fitness in a more global instead of the aerobic or bodybuilding modes.

  • better body compostition. Look good naked.

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