Monday, March 31, 2008
HIT has always been the way.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Powerlifting or how the other haft lives.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
New kettlebell exercise.
" Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
R. Collier
WO du Jour:
warmup: bands, KB light passes and swings, helos, renegade rowing 30 reps of 45#, 100 abmats, goblet squats 50 reps 14kg.
for time: three rounds AFAP
- 500 meters rowing
- 30 reps each hand KB floor press with 28kg.
- 30 reps barbell sumo high pull #85 lbs.
- 16:54 time.
Found a new exercise with the Kettlebells, but I am not sure if I seen some one else do it before or maybe I just got creative all of a sudden. Anyway it is a two hand swing into a squat on the up swing of a basic two hand swing. It adds some more effort to the swing especially when you make it an overhead type. This combo is also a good hamstring burner. Now do we need another Kettlebell exercise? No but if you can get more variety in your training, why not.
The Girevoy sport people say you don't need any other exercise other than clean and jerk and snatch done is long numbers. They are right to some extent, and you can also get basically fit running on a threadmill, but if you use kettlebells for general exercise and fitness, then you will need to expend on your techniques, depending on you fitness goals.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
back from vacation
Sunday, March 16, 2008
One lift at a time.
" About the only thing that comes to us with little effort is old age"
G. Pitzer.
WO du jour.
30 min. on the bike roller....snowing out.
Barbell Dead lift: 250lbs doubles, overhand grip, AFAP
Olympic Dumbell press 60#, one arm, standing unsupported, pronated grip, AFAP/.
Keep going from DL to Press without stopping for 20 min.
Kettlebell bottom up press: 14,16,20,24,Kg. Missed the 28kg.
It not effective to do high reps all the time as you need to train typeIIB muscles, with low reps and speed.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Why be dumb, use smart exercise.
40-5 reps, 32kg-10 reps, 24 kg-20 reps........ ladder rowing, then floor press
3 continous sets.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
no I am not "dirty harry"
The high cost of oil and sex
Monday, March 10, 2008
we are loosing too many
" an emeny is anyone who will get you killed, no matter what side he is on"
Joe Heller.
WO du jour:
warm up: bands, foam roller, 100 abmats, 100 pushups,
grip-tastic for 5 minutes.
Kettlebell rowing: 32kg, 36kg, 40 kg.
floor press: 16kg, 20kg, 24kg, 28 kg.
Yesterday we lost 5 solders in Iraq to a IUD. It was setup to be a safer operation with no car traffic as the men combed the area. However, some nut-job strapped on explosives and blew himself up in the name of religion. When is this madness going to end.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
when is it going to end! gobal warming my ass.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
How many kettlebells do you need?
Thursday, March 06, 2008
3000 years of training science.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
jump down and give me 50.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Workout, say what?
" The sign of a celeberity is that their name is worth more than their services."
Dan Boorstin.
WO du jour:
"Linda:" using barbells today for a change.
10,9,8,7,.............1 reps for time.
Dead lift:
bench press:
power clean;
2nd session:
15 mile bike ride on the roads. Weather was great! 15MPH pace. 1st ride on the roads in a month.
Last weekend I found out they are having a third season of the reality show, "Workout" which features a Beverly Hills, ultra high end fitness spa owner Jackie Warner and her marry band of personal trainers. Yak and double Yak! Now Jackie Warner owns this one of a kind spa over looking some of the most exclusive real estate in the country. Jackie is a hot looking chick, with great abs, but forget about her guys, she likes girls. She should be saying" I don't know which is giving me more problems, my cheating lesbian girl friends or my gym of dysfunctional trainers".
As for the trainers, they all have real backgrounds in some form of fitness, but only trainer Doug looks the part of a fit trainer who believes in what he is instructing. However, during the last season, he really did died at a fit age of 44. His boy friend was devastated.
I watched the show to see what a personal trainer does to earn over a 100+ dollars an hour to make his or her clients look good. If that all it takes by what they push their clients to do, every one who has ever jumped on a treadmill, will be signing up for the profession ASAP. One show had a young lady client who was at least 100 lbs over weight on a fit ball doing light dumbbell curls to loose weight. At the rates she is most lightly paying, she should be bankrupt before she can get into her first bikini.
Real celebrity personel trainers, are expected to get their famous clients fit quickly. They pay well, but their famous clients are busy people that want real results with no BS, as their stock in trade is their looks. Therefore to service celebrity clients, you have to be very effective with no non sense training sessions, something the show "Workout" does not do.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Hybrid kettlebell training.
" Do something. If it does not work try something else. No idea is too crazy.
Jim Hightower.
Session1: warmup with bands and joint mobility.
" kettlebell Angie"
100 pushups:
100 situps: abmats
100 air squats:
100 kettlebell 24kg. America swing.
100 pullups: band assisted no kipping. ( I REALLY NEED TO IMPROVE MY PULLS UPS)
time: 14;52
session 2: 100 air squats then jump on the rollers for 30 min. at 100 RPM.
Hybrid or sometimes called MET( metabolic enhancement training) , is the basic system I follow most of the time since I stopped competing in a sport. it allows me to do the following: Therefore I use any tool or method necessary to make life a little unconfortable.
- more work capacity with less time. more time to enjoy pain.
- more blood flow to all muscle groups all the time.
- no mental or physical staleness, always ready.
- more changing of movements from pushing and pulling variations, each routine.
- power, speed and movement concentration all the time. However speed is prime.
- more joint range development. Big concentration this year.
- full body exercise most of the time. who the hell wants a haft a body working!
- functional movements most of the time. walk and chew gum too.
- Hormone activation. No sex change however.
- intense protocol all the time. What else.
- Use of many types of fitness tools(including hammers) for functional movement.
- Higher level of fitness. Why be normal.
- Ever changing program. Boredom sucks.
- look at fitness in a more global instead of the aerobic or bodybuilding modes.
- better body compostition. Look good naked.
Man with the plan
" Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.