Tuesday, June 01, 2010

back from vacation......... back to the salt mines

June 1st.

Indian Clubs, joint mobility
Nutts” WOD
15 Deadlifts 250lbs
25 box jumps
50 pullups
100 wall balls
200 double unders
400 meter jog with 45lb plate

New WOD so took my time to check it out. The wall balls and double unders were as always the hardest. the second sesson was quick kettlebell workout but tomorrow it snatches.
4 min 20kg swings
6 min. 20-24kg cleans
6 min 20-24kg long cycle press
6 min 20-24kg push jerk.
May 31th.
Track session: 12- 100 meter sprints with 100 meter jog.
20 pushups and 40 28kg swings after each lap.
SHOT training on wall. 10 min.
Kettlebell cleans. 24-32kg
Barbell power cleans and press.

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