Tuesday, September 29, 2009

kettlebell work capacity

Sept 29
WO du jour:

10 min heavy bag warm up

10,000 lbs dead lift 2-40kg kettlebells 57 reps

7,500 lbs hang cleans: 2-20kg kettlebells 85 reps

5,000lbs push press: 2-16kg kettlebells 71 reps

20 min. total time. 22,500 lbs total poundage.

The objective today is to replicate the three lifts in kettlebells instead of a barbell, which I do faster as I use higher weights and less reps. Also by utilizing kettebells in pairs is to improve handling for GS lifting. This session is for plain old work capacity but kept a steady slow pace to insure form as mine sucks with the twin kettlebells.

Sept 28th Sat.
WO du jour:
10 min. warm up on heavy bag.
12kg. 5 reps, 16kg 5 sets of 5

20kg 2 4min sets
20kg 5 2 min sets

2-16kg long cycle 5 sets of 10 reps

2 55lb dumbells side hang cleans 3 sets of 10

2-20kg kettlebell cleans followed by pull up 20 reps

Sunday, September 27, 2009

lots of cardio on the menu kettlebell style.

Sept. 26Th,

WO du jour:
15 min on heavy bag kicks and up arm attacking. Start easy and end up slamming hard in the last 5 min. Great warm up in a functional way.
stretch bands to prepare for snatch
chalk up bells 12,16 and 20 for session
12kg at 70 reps per arm for a total of 140 in less than 10 min.
16 kg at 50 reps per arm for 100 reps in less than 6 min.
20 kg at 5 sets of 10 reps per arm.
24kg swing at for 4o reps with 2 arm shifts.

23 min bike ride after kettlebell session to complete my cardio or medcom session.
just a note; my chalking effect for the kettlebell handles is getting much better. I don't have any loss of hand skin that can be a show stopper for the next few training sessions. it becoming a ritual thing.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Kettlebell nukes?

In order to make the 70 kg and keep the same physical size and configuration of lower weight kettlebells , you could use the density of depleted uranium.

WO du jour:
Indian club and stretch band warm up.
Long cycle 12kg 2 sets of 10 reps with 3osec. rest.
long cycle 16kg. 10 sets of 10 reps with 30 sec. rest.
push jerk 24kg 10sets of 5 reps.

I have not been blogging as of late due to remodeling my "workout box" which needed a face lift and reorganization. Its not a big place but then again I think I would fill the space regardless of size available. Anyway its looks much better and more organized. (pictures to come)

In regards to my training, its going well but have to adopt to the duel kettlebell lifting since I received my new set of pro kettlebells. Its not that organized in a periodzation or progression for training for timed sets, however, I did a 21 min one arm long cycle set with 16 kg with not too much problem, but its time to go with the twins. For a while it looks like some freelancing until I can master the 2 bells on the long cycle and push jerk.

I saw that picture the "monster bells". Let me say that push jerking 70kg kettlebell has got to feel like compact car on your ribs. All that being said, I think in order to keep the physical size of the pro kettlebell the same size as a 8,16,24kg you would have to increase the density of the base material from iron to lead or more exotic metal like depleted uranium with has 4 times the density of iron. Yes, they even use depleted uranium for counter weights on fork lifts,air planes and bullets, so there is hazard in a minor form if the metal is broken up and ingested in some way. For the mutants that use monster bells, it is not a danger if you make contact with a kettlebell made from DU but you should know what you are handling.

Sunday, September 06, 2009


Sept. 6th.
WO du jour:

warm up: Indian clubs for 5 mins, 100 tire slams, 100 light wall balls, Stretch bands. 10 min on heavy bag.

5 reps per exercise for 5 rounds.
2 16 kg kettlebell "manmakers"
pull ups
110 lbs sumo high pull dead lift
32kg kettlebell one are swing.
get up situp with 2 10 kg kettlebells
rest 30 secs.
total time of 30:23 min.
It was a great session as you never really catch your breath. the hardest was the manmakers which is a push up on the handles, renegade row, high pull-squat clean,to a push press.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Sept 3rd,4,5th

Sept 5th.
WO du jour:
warm up: Indian Clubs, stretch bands, jump rope and 100 tire slams, 100 wall balls.
30 sec kettlebell clean, then 30 sec push press, then hold in rack for 30 sec then shift.
20 mins continuous. (10 min 16kg and 10 min 20kg.
50 GHD situps

Sept 4th.
Rest day: 1 hr. Ruck with my trusty Xvest.

Sept. 3rd.

WO du jour:
Warmup: Indian clubs, stretch bands, 100 tire slams with sledge hammer,
8 min. 12 kg kettlebell snatch at 16 reps per min. one switch
8 min. 16 kg kettlebell snatch at 16 reps per min. one switch
2-4 min 20 kg kettebell snatch at 14 reps per min. one switch
15 mile bike ride.
I was reading the Crossfit journal about the last Crossfit games where they were evaluating what was the harder events of the games. One of them was the hammer event where the athlete had to pound in a stake with a large sledge hammer. That kind of surprised me as crossfit exercises try to maintain the functional movements, but I think a lot of the boxes don't do it enough or they think it not that effective. But if you think about it, swing a hammer, bat, golf club is very frequently found in real life.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

.where did summer go?

Sept.1st: where did the summer go????

WO du jour:
go for tonnage.

10000 lbs sumo deadlift
7500lbs power clean dead hang.
5000lbs push press
14:57 that smoked me! or 22,500lbs lifted.

The deadlifts where done 20,30 reps with 200 lbs.
the power cleans were done in sets of 10to 20 with 100 lbs
and the push press were done in sets of 10 as I did pressing yesterday all with barbells.
great session but I think I will use heaver weight and lower the reps.
Aug 31st.
wo du jour:

1hour "ruck" with Xvest but added two lbs. the xvest is easy to add weight when you add little 1 lb weights to the little pockets inside the vest. It fits like a glove, but it does restrict the lower ab a little when breathing get elevated.

afternoon: warm up with Indian clubs and pulleys.

Ladder reps 1-10 using
24kg long cycle
hanging pull ups
did not time just slowly when from one set to the next without stopping. The 24kg was a new a girya so the weight was a little rough at first.