Monday, January 31, 2011

Oh no, another "300" type workout!

Jan: 30th.

Tacfit warm-up, bands, pullys, squats, pull-ups.

Spartacus workout review:

One min with 15sec rests for each exercise done three rounds. Yes, its a long one so suck it up!

Romanian deadlft in rack for some much need back work. (not part of the routine)

Goblet squat, Mt. climbers, swing, T-pushups, split jump, row, side lunge, pushup-row,Lunge rotation, press. All done with various dumbbells, in 46 time.

10 min. of Battling ropes.

Worked up a good sweat on this WOD as its one of the longer ones. Not a strength session but as metcom it works.

Spartan or Spartacus workouts, let the games begin .

Every since the success of the 300 workout, based on the movie of the same name, there is a new workout promoted to get you into ripped shape in moment of time. The concept is your basic circuit routine that is used in any number of fitness groups like boot camps or training concepts. This all came about when a number of actors had to remove their shirts to expose there scrawny bodies, so they hand to go to a fitness trainer to whip them into shape.

So if you wanted a part in the new Spartacus series, you would have to upgrade your body to look like a gladiator instead of a stockbroker on crack. So most of the actors who had to expose themselves, went to and celebrity personal training (training celebrities make you more talented without extra training or knowledge) who put them though an accelerated fitness series that used all the time for fast results. Since the rich and famous use the routine then everyone is obligated to make a business out of a circuit program that is not sustainable in the long term, but it all sounds impressive as hell.

I used the routine as I do with a lot of the routines on Crossfit and Kettlebell sites I find interesting. Spartacus workout as described in Men’s Health Magazine, is a 10 exercise circuit, using one or two dumbells depending on the exercise performed 3 times. When I did it I used a number of different sized dumbells depending on the exercise to add the necessary stress. Also the Gymboss timer was set of 1 minute work and 15 seconds rest. The rest was so you can set up for the next one of 10 exercises. It’s a very good WOD if you use the various weights and has some good compound exercises, but like I said before, you get too accustomed to this routine or anyone like this if you repeat this more than one a week and most likely over train. Lastly it’s a little long as I got bored on the third round and could be cut down to one or two sets and add some other type of routine elements like boxing or rowing, if you need the extra movement of reduce weight.

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