Monday, July 13, 2009

July 15th.

July 15th. wed.

WO du jour:
moring session: pushups,situps,pullups, heavy bag
tai chi class

afternoon session:
Dumbell press 5 sets of 5 reps 35-60lbs
Dumbell Rowing 5 sets of 5 reps 50-100lbs.
Kettlebell push jerk ladder. 2,4,6,8,10,12,14, reps with 20 kg.

July 14th. Tuesday

WO du jour:
warm up with stretch bands and Indian clubs.
Crossfit "Helen". 400 meter run, 21-24kg kettlebell swing, 12 pull ups for 3 sets.

Second session:
3min/3min. kettlebell snatch @16 reps per min. with 12kg
second set 65 reps each hand. 6:28 time.
2 sets kettlebell swings with 20kg kettlebell for 2 min.

July 13th Monday

WO du jour:

bands and heavy bag warm up especially shoulders. Joint mobility. Light kettlebell swings, side snatches.

10 min. long cycle with 16kg then shifted to 20 kg for another 10 min.
the first 10 min was a pleasure, but as soon as I jumped into the 20kg. the fun was over quickly. the last couple of mins was getting sloppy.
2 sets of GHD situps and back extentions.

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