Sunday, August 05, 2007

I know how to go slow, been there, done that

Aug 4Th sat.

For many years I subscribed to the training mentality that you have to put in a lot of slow, continuous, aerobic type exercise to perfect your sport such as running, biking and rowing which I competed in. If you really look at pragmatically, I already knew how to run, bike, and row, slow, so I should have been practicing how to run, bike and row fast. So that what we do from now on, besides it has less impact on overuse issues.

18 miles on the bike as interval tempo. not easy but feels good when you stop.

10 reps pull up
10 135# deadlift
10 push ups
10 box jumps on 18" box
10 flag sit ups with 135# barbell
10 cleans with 2-2kg KB
10 push presses.
5 set with 1min rest between cycle.
31 minutes.

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