Yesterday I was asked by one of the ladies attending my fitness class, how to "work the legs". I was not sure how to answer that question, as it is such a lengthy complex answer. So I demonstrated her and for the benefit of the rest of the class, an example of training the legs from warm up, stretching to power and ballistic movements. She will most lightly to cussing me this morning when she try to walk around today. I did not tell them I trained as a speed skater in my early years, and If any one with speed skating knowledge, the training is all legs and boarders on inhuman.
Today we are going to training the legs like the old days, and take back some the the pain I inflicted last night.
- Warm up on heavy bag, with light kicks and punches
- 50 KB swings with 16Kg.
- 50 figure 8 and catch.
- KB box squat 12" box 8kg, 12kg, 16kg. 20kg, 24kg, 28kg, ....10 reps each with 2 bells.
- 50 chin up in sets of 10
- 50 DB power cleans with 50#
- 50 tire jumps
Later in the day we did some bike intervals. I have not ventured in to that world for some time and had forgotten why I don't kick the watts up instead of steady state riding I normally do. after about 5 one haft mile intervals, I was inclined to keep this as an experiment. anyway it can't be a bad thing, as the ride back home allowed me to stay in the saddle all uphill.