Monday, January 07, 2013

resistance complexes of Javorek


 My  training today:
Warm-up; Stretch bands, Indian Clubs, pushups, boot strappers, joint mobility legs mostly
4 sets of ab rollers and 4 sets leg ups.
Zercher  Squats with “fat bar”  6 sets of 5 reps. I min rest between sets.

 2 sets of Dumbbell complex: 8 deadlifts,6 front squats,4 thruster/squat clean. 2 Push press all with one dumbbell and not rest between sets.
2 sets of Kettlebell complex: 8 deadlifts,6 front squats,4 thruster/squat clean. 2 Push press all with one Kettlebell and not rest between sets

Second session:
Bike sprint intervals
Ring rows:
GHD situps
20 min on heavy bag; Mostly legs and hard hitting (last 5 mins is a “death march” )

Resistance complexes.
       For many years off and  on I have followed the training protocols of Istvan Javorek who had a very successful career as sports conditioning coach and author.(we are the same age) His training is a series of dumbbell or barbell “complexes” or various exercises put together to enhance metcom or conditioning (GPP). Now the series of exercises Javorek assembles, is structured for a physical preparation that is well designed for its intent. These complexes is not to be confused with some of the crap you see on You Tube which for the most part is a bunch of shit put together to make you sweat you ass  off,  but little else.
            Complexes are very stressful, especially if performed under time constraints and good form. Form degrades quickly using complexes like many Crossfit WODs do ,depending on the weight and exercise. You have to make sure you get full extension and flexion of the muscle groups you are training. Deep squats, full extension on presses, back and abs activated on each exercise.
            Start out with a “ken and Barbie” weights when you first go through the complex. There you can set the form and timing for the routine. After that you scale up as you need, but since they are mostly all full body, closed chain exercises, they can “gas” you out quickly, and you will have to embrace the suck big time.
            Today’s training started with some strength movement which was the Zercher squats, by themselves. Used a  single dumbbell and performed a 5 movements on each arm and rested one min. I did two rounds with a dumbbell and followed the same exercises with a Kettlebell. I did increase the weight on the second round. I did not do a third round as my squatting was getting into poor form.  Using One arm sets really overloads the legs, especially when performing thrusters or fronts squats.
            I don’t think the Javorek was a fan of kettlebells, but with my background I have more variations of exercises to use on these complexes. I find some exercises are easier for Kettlebells and some for dumbbells, but the barbell is always harder as you tend to use more weight. The very upside to this type exercise which goes fast and furious tends to be more fun than just reping out shit. I observed some real professional athletics crash and burn with some of javorek sessions, who appears to have no humanity to weakness.   Try some ever so often.

The mission is sacred



I Hit Things Hard said...

Wimp... BTW, the lic plate frame on my truck says... "My other car is a Gran Torino." Does that make you proud :)

Kevin Swanwick said...

Ken - I am amazed by the seemingly limitless variation you can apply - but you do always focus on principles.