Saturday, October 27, 2012



 My  training today:

Warmup; Stretch bands, Indian Clubs, and joint mobility.

21,15,9,6,3 reps for time.

I arm Kettlebell trusters L/R( that going to suck with double the squatting)

Pullups; no kipping (homie don’t do kipping with fucked up shoulders)


More fallout from The Tour de France doping

            A Dutch bank(Robobank) has pulled out of sponsorship after 17 years of professional cycling, especially the “tour”. This is a huge hit for cycling!  The Nevelands’s  has always been an avid  supporter of bicycling and speed skating, so it comes as a shock that a significant sponsor of one of the most promoted sports; professional cycling is pulling its support. This is not surprising by the adverse shit coming out about Lance Armstrong and doping humiliation. Remember, it not just one cyclist accused of doping; it’s the whole tour competitors that is in question.  

            The question has to be asked; can the tour be “clean” and be credible for those who stand on the winners podium. It has always appeared to be such a great spectator sport and a magnet to those who like to cycle and become fit, that maybe some of that Tour de France will rub off on one’s self.

            The fucking thing is a sad state of affairs when it comes to cycling. I lived in southern France for two years in a town of Villefranche sur mer. One day all in the small town came out as the “tour” is coming through the town center and over to Nice, France. You waited for a couple of hours as you did not know when all of the cyclist comes through the small village. When they did, the 100 on bikes came and went in less than 30 seconds, but the village was in a state of jubilation that lasted for days! 40 years later, I can still hear the sound of the chain wheels of a 100 bikes at 20 MPH passing by……..You just have to be there.

The mission is sacred

More fallout from The Tour de France doping


 My  training today:
Warmup; Stretch bands, Indian Clubs, and joint mobility.
21,15,9,6,3 reps for time.
I arm Kettlebell trusters L/R( that going to suck with double the squatting)
Pullups; no kipping (homie don’t do kipping with fucked up shoulders)

            A Dutch bank(Robobank) has pulled out of sponsorship after 17 years of professional cycling, especially the “tour”. This is a huge hit for cycling!  The Nevelands’s  has always been an avid  supporter of bicycling and speed skating, so it comes as a shock that a significant sponsor of one of the most promoted sports; professional cycling is pulling its support. This is not surprising by the adverse shit coming out about Lance Armstrong and doping humiliation. Remember, it not just one cyclist accused of doping; it’s the whole tour competitors that is in question.  

            The question has to be asked; can the tour be “clean” and be credible for those who stand on the winners podium. It has always appeared to be such a great spectator sport and a magnet to those who like to cycle and become fit, that maybe some of that Tour de France will rub off on one’s self.

            The fucking thing is a sad state of affairs when it comes to cycling. I lived in southern France for two years in a town of Villefranche sur mer. One day all in the small town came out as the “tour” is coming through the town center and over to Nice, France. You waited for a couple of hours as you did not know when all of the cyclist comes through the small village. When they did, the 100 on bikes came and went in less than 30 seconds, but the village was in a state of jubilation that lasted for days! 40 years later, I can still hear the sound of the chain wheels of a 100 bikes at 20 MPH passing by……..You just have to be there.

The mission is sacred

Globo gyms are having hard times.


           My training today is my special 1min work and 1min rest routine, using a new exercise each min. for an hour. 30 different exercises in one session. You can’t do this routine in a commercial gym or fitness facility, as the equipment of space will not be available. Let’s hear it for the “Garage gym”! (barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, sandbags,logs….you get the idea.)

            I think we can all agree that the national economy sucks and any business is struggling in some way. A week ago one of the Gold’s gyms in my area filed for chapter 11 which is a signal that the business is in the crapper. Gold’s is  the classic Globo style gym, more on the upscale side, as they tend to be higher priced than the other franchises and much higher fees than the “planet fatness” low grade fitness chains, that have popped up in the last few years.

            As with a lot of fitness has changed over the years, Gold’s has always kept up with the times. I can remember many, many years ago training in the Venice, Cal. Gym started by Joe Gold and where Arnold trained and become famous. Joe also started World gym after selling the Gold’s name going back to the Hardcore style.  The first Gold’s gym was as hardcore as it gets. Heavy barbells, dumbbells, hardcore bodybuilding, and lots of “juice” . I am not sure, but I did smell testosterone as soon as you got on the floor!  If you did not lift heavy, hard, and aggressive, you need not enter. That was the real “I pick them up and put them down” style of training. Fast forward and Joe Gold selling out and now they follow the flakier trends of the general fitness public.

            Here is a lesson I learned about the gym business having owned or operated several. There are a very few members that train consistently, and come every day, and get measurable results. You don’t want really want the “gym Rat” who comes every day either.  They take up space, spend too much time training consistently, and above all they frighten the rest of the fitness public that  can’t nor willing to achieve the results they want.  If you are a “hardcore” gym customer, you are a poster boy or girl for the gym, or a problem child.  Also personal trainers stay away from the “gym rats” as they can’t suck them off, to make money.

            Gold’s as a franchise today has about 700 gyms worldwide and provide all the services that you will ever need to become fit and healthy. Gone is the “Hardcore bodybuilding” perception and now embrace all type of fitness from bodybuilding, Metcom like spinning, Zumba, and now “crossfit “ style training is now emerging as the new trend.

            Getting back to home, the Gold’s in my location, is a demise of quality fitness facility, as they always had the best equipment and management that you will find. However, I look at it as an failure  of the fitness public that puts a low class priority on their fitness by going cheap for fitness facility and training opportunities…….and the results bare this out.

The mission is sacred

What a way to spice up Zumba….sex!


My training today:
warm-up,  with stretch bands, Indian clubs, ring pushups, ring rows. 1000 meter on C2.
Safety squats: 8 sets of 5 reps. Not too heavy but set in hole for last rep and that is always a killer.
30 min on heavy bag.
            A young lady and a Zumba instructor in Maine made national news by being arrested for prostitution and tax evasion.  I often saw advertisements for Zumba classes all over my area, its seems like every gym has a program.  Zumba was a ethnic dance turned into a fitness craze by having fit young ladies gyrating  “like sweating to the oldies” in a more aggressive dance routine. However, this instructor ramped up the sex appeal, by offering real fornicating sex as part of her business. Not having first hand information on her business, but I can assume that her gym was the hottest in town!
            There is nothing wrong with Zumba as part of your fitness program, but I can’t see how it’s going to provide the other attributes like strength, mobility and progress programming you need to become fit. Some Zumba instructors have opted to augment their programs with adding hand weights, bands, and other movements to keep customers when they don’t lose 50 lbs of fat and look like a runway models. I can’t see men doing this form of exercise except to snag chicks or you will lose all your testosterone in one session. Also a 200lb housewife is counterindicated!

“The mission is sacred”

Friday, October 19, 2012


 My  training today:

100  reps of 12kg KB snatch as warm-up, along with stretch bands, Indian clubs, ring pushups, ring rows.  Bike turbo 15 mins.

Trap bar deadlift:  6 sets of 5 reps:  with chains.  < 1 min rest.

Kettlebell floor press.  5 sets of 5 reps.(deLorme Protocol)

Dumbell tricept extention, pushup combo 3 sets.

Dumbell cleans. 3 sets of 10 reps.

Pavel’s “deLorme Protocol.

                Pavel, although noted for his very successful Kettlebell programs, he also excels in general fitness programs and joint mobility Russian style. He has a program called “Grease the grove” which is famous for progressive increases in any exercise you may want to add bigger numbers. I have used the “grease the grove” for a number of body weight movements, but stayed away from the weighs in that progression mostly except for snatching. Now I want to experiment with Pavel’s “deLorme Protocal” devised by deLorme and Watson.(Beyond body Building, Pavel,Dragondoor,2005) There is an Oxford protocol which is 10,10,10 progression similar to the 10,5,10 reps, but it is not as effective in previous experiments. (Arnheim & Prentice, 1993)

                The “delorme protocol” is a short progression using one of the lifts to increase muscle hypertrophy  and more strength in that lift.  Why it is not used to often, as it takes a lot of mental fortitude to go from 50% load to 100% is three sets. Few train or should train at 100% but this is based on the 10rep max. Example your best 10 rep bench press max:

200lbs is your100% 10 rep max bench

50% is the first set at 100lbs for 10 reps

75% is the second set at 150lbs for 5 reps

100% is the last set at 200 lbs for 10 reps

                As you can see, the progression from light to heavy is quick and very intense and a lot harder than it looks, once you try a set out. I chose to use as my experiment, the Kettlebell floor press for increasing my tricep strength without fucking up my shoulders anymore than they are. My first try was with a 16,20,28kg. The first grouping was good, but when I tried again with a second group, the last set took all to complete. Based on my experiment, I will only be doing no more than 2 rounds for now. When I want to increase, I will have to duck tape small plates to the bottom of the kettlebells to small increases. Shit maybe I should have used dumbbells! My goal is to get the 40kg for 10 reps, and keep shoulders so they can recover. (you only jump off the cliff once! Never a second time)

“The mission is sacred”

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Look at the bad guy


 My  training today:
100  reps of 12kg KB snatch as warm-up, along with stretch bands, Indian clubs, ring pushups, ring rows.  1000 meters rowing.
Safety squat bar:  6 sets of 5 reps: good low squats with chains.  < 1 min rest.
Heavy dumbbell I arm rowing:  5 sets of 5 reps. No straps grip getting better.
Dumbbell standing press: 5 set of 5 (neutral grip)
A few log presses.
Heavy bands press down for triceps 6 sets of 20
Hammer curl: 5 sets of 5
Kettlebell swings 32kg, 5 sets of 25 res.

Heavy bag hands and feet for 20 min. cooling down. ( Never did cool down WTF you are killing a bag)



Look at the Bad Guy!

                Tony “Scarface” Montana shouted in an upscale night club” look at the bad guy, that’s me the drug dealer” referring to himself to a stuck-up, self-righteous viewers. That is what the Lance Armstrong doping incident reminds me of. Wow, we all know now that professional cycling is full of drug use by the revelations that have come out in the dinosaur media in the last few days. Where to fuck have they been all this time!  We could not figure this shit out, when you have 100+ strong paid professional road cyclists, riding at max heart rate, for 2,300 miles in 20 days, that you may need a good “breakfast” (in my gym, we called performance enhancement drugs “breakfast” to start the day.) The promoters, fans, trainers, doctors, regulators, had to turn a blind eye to the race results and the performances so the sport thrives and all have a fat paycheck….that’s life in the fast lane.

                So now Lance is the serial doper of the year, and the legions of snitches and disgruntled team mates who’s own drugs were not a good as Lance’s, to win the day, have come out of the closet like the worms they are. It’s so bad, that when Lance’s seven Tour winning are rescinded in the record books, there will be no one moving up to take his tour winning spots. That is because they were all doping!  Yes fans, most of the last tours that Lance the doper did not win, the winners also were disqualified for drug use. What a fucking sport!  Makes me want to cut up my carbon fiber road bike in small pieces.  

                 Word has it, the tour de France this year is “clean” whatever the fuck that means!  Wake up public, professional sports is all about the pay check and the numb ass sitting fans, that needs to be amused while drinking beer and sucking up bad food. No wonder we have an obesity problem. Hell we spend our recreation time sitting behind a TV (wide screen) or on some high priced stadium seat, and that is our sports. Oh yes, we  Now you can purchase  overprice jackets and ball caps made in China, to show your support to these overpaid professionals in the life style they required and you will never have, thanks to you the FAN. As soon as the Olympic Games allowed professionals, I turned the TV off have not watched it since. TV channels only promote the sports that they can make money from, all others are fringe sports.( Beach Volleyball has a different aspect, called Sex where uniforms are optional)  

                Lance; they screwed you after you served them so well, as you were just part of a very large conspiracy to promote professional sports, which has nothing to do with fitness,  so a few can make tons of money.  

.  If you really like sports, get off your ass and play….don‘t watch!   

Rant complete!