Monday, July 19, 2010

suspection systems...modest support system for kettlebells.

July 19th.

Warmup: jump rope, joint mobility, Indian clubs .
20 mins of 250 meter rowing, burpees, pull-ups
Kettlebell swings 16 and 20kg 300 reps.(that produced a good sweat) 
Warmup: 10 min on heavy, hitting very hard. Best session in a long time.
Kettlebell cleans: 200 reps
Ring dips 100 reps.

Well, I have not been blogging for a couple of weeks but it time to get back to business of reconciling what I do each day so I don’t jump off the edge of normality. I did take a week off from most resistance exercise but maintained some daily metabolic training at a moderate level. It was not a though I was injured, but just mentally stale and lacked the motivation to training at my normal senior inappropriate style.

My first Rant this month is the TRX suspension system now being embraced by some of the kettlebell organizations, after they promoted the kettlebell as end all, stand alone, fitness system. They must have gotten the memo that Man or woman does not live and die by the any kettlebell system and you may just need some other system or equipment to get that well rounded fitness. Remember, fitness is truly multi dimensional. So you can’t blame them from getting with the program, but I, as kettlebell whore, have been using suspension systems ever since I started 10 years ago for joint mobility…..where the hell have you been?

There is nothing wrong with the TRX equipment as it has its place in exercising especially when you can’t do full pull-ups or dips and can be incorporated in most group exercise programs. My advice is to get a set of gymnastic rings which can do all the exercises that a TRX system can do at cost haft the price. But beyond that, the handles are more rigid for better grip and support especially if you can perform a Muscle up, which requires some fancy hand placement plus stability. Try doing “skin the cat” on a TRX!

I have both TRX and rings, however I like the rings much better and even take them with me on trips away from home. Add a couple of carabineers and you can attach to any structure or tree limb within reach for a quick workout that can provide the Push-pull components I think I use my rings for some exercise almost daily . Or if you want to get real primitive, take a 24 foot section of haft inch nylon rope that can be carried anywhere as long as you can make a couple of knots to make the foot or hand hold rings.
Weather you use TRX, rings or just a plan rope suspension system, it’s a modest substitute to doing pullup, dips,heavy rowing, handstand pushups nor do much for your Strongman training.

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