Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Two Kettlebells; double you pleasure, double your fun


MY WOD for today: (two sessions)

 Stretch bands and Indian clubs, and 1000 meters rowing, light kettlebell snatches,  for warm-up

Kettlebell farmers walk 24,32kg pairs. Getting  better each time.

Pull-ups and pushups on incline.

Kettlebell(2) front squats:

Dumbbell goblet squats: low rep, heavy weight:

Dumbbell clean and press: light

KTE and Kettlebell floor sit-up for abs.

Heavy bag Thai kicking:

Great session!

Two Kettlebell training: double your pleasure, double your fun

I started out with one Kettlebell years ago then when I got the money I purchased an extra set so I would have one for each hand. In GS sport lifting the ladies use one Kettlebell,(it’s a “rack” issue I guess) when competing and the men use two except for the snatch. Also I believe that the Kettlebell is mostly single hand equipment, but there is no reason it can’t be used two hands like in the swing or exercises like the goblet squat.

The World Kettlebell Club does a lot of one hand lifting, like the GS sport, “Strong sport” and Pentathlon, both use one Kettlebell for all lifts with hand switches. Even though you use only one hand at time, both of these two sporting events are killers and only for experienced lifters.

In “strong sport” you select the heaviest Kettlebell you can muster for the 4 min. time set. It was designed for stronger Kettlebell lifters who want to use heavier weights that you could not last for the normal 10 min set in GS sport.

The Pentathlon is for the strongest lifter that will take strength of the heaviest Kettlebell for 5-6min. sets. It is a combo strength-endurance GS sport I have done a few times with pussy ass weights and it will put your ass down like nothing else.

Now for the good shit. Two Kettlebells lifting brings it to a new level of intensity and more metabolic wallop.  When I first tried two Kettlebells it was not like double the weight and more in body burden. Also I had to use a wider stance, but that was not a problem as I am a sumo deadlifter. Anyway I use mostly all lifts and even the snatch, done outside the legs with two bell most of the time. When practicing the swing I would take a one handed swing set with a heavy Kettlebell like 32-40kg then switch to two hands with a lighter two Kettlebells. If I am doing timed set of swings it usually 1-2min which gives me 40-80 reps for the set. That a lot of work in a short time.

If you have access to two Kettlebells, then that is the way to go. Now if you have two GS style kettlebells close to the same wt. then you can duck tape plates to the bottom of the lighter bell so they are even in weigh.

Since I don’t intend to compete in GS anymore, as my old fucked up shoulders won’t survive the large volume training needed to prepare for the completion, but with sensible training using shorter intense sessions and little rest, I can maintain great strength and endurance adding, Olympic lifting,Powerlifting, bodyweight, Thai boxing, rucking, atlas stones, kegs, logs…….well, you get the idea. I love kettlebells but I am not a complete Kettlebell whore.   


The mission is sacred

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