Thursday, November 29, 2007

High end Leg pratice

Nov. 29th

" If you think you can, you can, if you think you can't then you are right."

Mary K Ash.

100 yard sprint
50 push ups
100 yard sprint
50 sit ups
100 yard sprint
50 air squats
100 yard sprint
10 pull ups
Done 3 times for time

18;31 time.

the session had good cardio effect as I kept my rate steady at 90% level.

Later in the day I worked on some squatting movements I have not done is some time. One is the Dragon twisting which is a Chinese martial arts technique similar to a lunge with a lot of twisting motions of lower body. It has double the stress of a normal lunge. It can be risky if you don't shift your weight as you twist,especially with added weight.
The other is a kettlebell Hack squat, which is only for those who have good knees and flexibility.
Hack squats put a lot of stress on the lower quad, especially the vastus lateralis and medialis or the two tear drop muscles just over the knee. All you need is one kettlebell held at the lower back and squatting down with heals off the ground.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

No more boring cardio



3 rounds for time.

500 meters of rowing

21 box jumps 18" box.

body weight dead lifts for 12 reps. (185#)
18 mins.

You really suck wind to get under 18 minutes. I did not stop but getting on and off the rower takes time. Anyway I beginning to like that kind of cardio but I don't wear my pulse meter as I don't wish to look at the ugly numbers bringing me close to cardiac arrest. Basically the sessions like this are good stress test.

Its really called PHA which stands for peripheral heart action, when you use a series of exercises that work the whole body instead of isolation, of a muscle group. there is little or no rest, but unlike a curcit, it is designed to be more intense, to increase circulation without congesting muscles. PHA usually uses compound exercises, like press, rows, squats that works a group of muscles. therefore it will yield a high total berden watt output most of the time. Intensity trumps everything! Rapid intensity! It requires you to push yourself to the limit, however few get to this level in reality, and think they are maxed out. You have to constently work at mental, CNS and body feedback to ensure you are using maximum effort just short of injury, Robo or death. This is why you need a trainer who spcializes in this type of exercise so you can perform to your max and not get injured. However, the vast majority of personal trainers are in the "bodybuilding" mode. Why? well it easy to excute and monitor, and does not bring the client to a physical level that would be too unconfortable, and therefore my not continue the service. Its not classy to see you client barf up his or her lunch during a session.

If you want to burn fat like grease coming off bacon, they PHA is the way to go.

Worked on tai chi form and did some heavy bag work later in the day.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Kettlebell Pullups

Nov. 26.

"to die is nothing, but not to live is terrible"

Victor Hugo

WOD weighted pullup for singles.

30lb X-vest 10 singles in 10 mins.

An X-Vest fits better. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Out in the cold

" Its not enough to do your best, sometimes you have to do what is required of you."
Winston Churchill


400 meter run
100 air squats
400 meter run
75 air squats
400 meter run
50 air squats
400 meter run
25 air squats
Time 18:58

I decided to try this routine RSR or run-squat-run, when the temperature was too low to bike, as it was 12deg.F this morning so this will will have to do. This would be a good routine for preparing for some hard trail runs. I was reminded after the third 400 meter run and the squats as my quads had no feeling like when you have been running for several hours on the trail. I could do this for long time, because I have experienced the fun or running for hours with legs having no feeling except each time your foot hits the ground. The cold weather did not help my speed any, but I just wanted to put some time in under a little stress. No sweating today, but you still have to maintain hydration regardless of thirst mechanism. However, a brandy would be good after a cold run, but since I don't have none at this time the Vodka will have to do.

The mission sacred

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Basic CrossFit

Nov. 24
"I grow more intense as I grow older."
Florida Scott-Maxwell.

1000 meters rowing
20 ring jumping pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 air squats.
Three rounds for time. 36:49

Yahoo today had a news article about the Fattest cities in the US. This seems to be a filler when there is no good news script or maybe their writers are out on strike as well. We need not point fingers or make light of a few cities that are chosen, by lord knows how they come up with the verification of who is the fattest in American. In general America is Fat or over weight, depending on what scale you want to use. All you have to do is look around you anywhere the public is. Therefore making fun of a few cities and giving everyone else a pass, will not promote a all invasive program as a nation to get healthy.
Standard menu for many>

Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday madness

Nov. 23.
"My problem lies with reconciling my gross habits with my net income."
Errol Flynn.
Black Friday is the unofficial start of the Christmas shopping season. Grid lock at shopping centers and don't even go into a store unless you are a seasoned cage fighter. The hospitals emergency rooms are full of assault victims from just trying to get the kids their favorite toy this year, made of toxic materials from China. Marvelous, simply marvelous.

It was cold as a whore's heart today when I decided to do my intervals on the track. Wind chill factor was near zero and yesterday was in the 60's. Well suck it up and get it done.

2 miles of sprinting the straights and jogging the curves, and at each quarter mile, 20 high pulls with a 20Kg kettlebell.( I never leave home without one. ) I did not keep time as my speed was not up to training level do to the cold. The extra Kettlebell did noting to warm me up.


DB one arm snatches 50#

reverse ring pull ups prone 15 reps.

sit ups 20 reps.

rounds for 20 min.

Dumbell Snatches were a good change in place of kettlebells.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Day 2007

Nov. 22. Thanksgiving day

"there but for the grace of God go I"

John Bradford.

500 meter rowing
10 ring dips
5 pullups
5 rounds for time.
17 min. and 2600 meters of rowing.

Just a good session prior to spending the remaining day gorging in food.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

back in the saddle

Nov. 21th.

" Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier."

Colin Powell.

WOD "Helen" for time.

400 meter run

21-24kg American swings

12 pull ups.

The run and the swings were no issue, but doing the pull ups really suck the first thing in the morning.

12:47 sec. time

I received my new Concept II rowing machine today. It's my third machine in a series of upgrades the company has done since 1981. My first Concept II was the A model in 1982 when they first come on the market. At that time I used it as cross training for trail running. I even when so far as to compete in the CRASH-B indoor races a couple of years. If you want to feel what is like to die and come back to life, then compete in erg rowing. I had a model B and C which I lost in a fire a couple of years ago.

Anyway, the new model D is a fine piece of equipment to add to my gym. It is also a major activity in CrossFit workouts and if you have ever used one, you see why they have chosen this one piece of equipment as the lone machine in a CrossFit gym.

To try out the new model, I set it for a couple of 500 meter pieces to see where I stand in regards to my rowing. Both pieces under 2 mins. so I have a way to go to get down to the 1:30 zone, but I see its going to be fun getting back in the saddle.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Cleaning up with Kettlebells.

Nov. 20Th.

"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction we give it."
Ayn Rand.

WOD Power cleans:

Kettlebell Power cleans: 12kg., 14,16,18,20,24,28,32,36,&40kg for three reps each(the 40kg were done unilateral unlike the rest were performed bilateral. no rest between sets and one ladder.
Then performed 145lb barbell power cleans for three reps. 10 sets.
three sets of 20 reps of ab rollers. Traps had a good workout and it only took 16min.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday delight


" The first step in getting the things you want out of life is this: DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT."

Ben Stein


50 box jumps on 20" box

50 jumping pullups

50 Kettlebell swings with 16Kg.

50walking lunges


50 push press 25 with 2-10Kg kettlebells and 25 with OL bar.

50back extensions

50 wall balls: 25 with 10Kg. Kettlebell, 25 with leather ball

50 burpies

50double unders.

(500 reps and they think the 300 workout is hard.)

34:20 sec time.

I don't know who thought this session up, but they have a sick sense of humor.....or just demented. I had to really did down to get this done. The KTE and the burpies are hardest for at least me anyway.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hell of a bell

Nov. 16.

" Don't be timid about your actions. Life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

WOD "Hells Bells"

3 rounds of duel Kettlebells using a kettlebell that you can press for 10 on each of 12 exercises, like swings, snatches, dead lifts, getup sit up, cleans, presses, and rowing. Each exercise is performed for 10 reps with no rest until all 12 exercises are competed.

Time will take 20 minutes.

Its a good practice of all the lifts and movements, but should be done prior to a rest day as it is very taxing. because of the may exercises, selection of the bell is contingent on the most difficult exercise, which varies on each person.

The picture shows Trish racking and pressing 2-16kg bells which is a significant amount of weight for even a fit male.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Kettebell Linda

Nov 15th

" The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide the problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, ecology or the President. You realize that you control your own destiny."

Albert Ellis

Kettlebell Linda:

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, reps for time (186reps)

2-40Kg Kettebell dead lift

2-28Kg kettlebell floor press

2-24 kg Kettlebell Klean.


I did not fell like using barbells as I would be obligated to use heavy barbell sets and did not feel up to it. however, the kettlebell alternate was no kake walk either. It not real cardio except for the cleans, but you do get pumped up from the total body effect of heavy resistance. No, I am not buying new shirts!

Kettlebell man makers

Nov. 13.

" Energy and persistence conquer all things."

Ben Franklin.


Kb. Man makers 14Kg sets of 5.

L-pull ups

for 20 minutes.

The "man makers"are real killers even in sets of 5. That's thrust, push up, prone rowing, deadlift, clean and press and back. This is not to say ladies can't do this exercise, but it just sounds more impressive when there is a male touch to it...I guess. Anyway is a great cardio workout a long as you don't loose your lunch.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Kettlebells

Nov. 12th

"Its simplicity that makes the uneducated more effective than the educated when addressing popular audiences."


Yesterday I received 4 kettlebells from a company call Muscle Driver USA. I needed a mate for my smaller size metric kettlebells. I was also able to get a rare size of 10Kg. and a mate for my 12 and 14Kg which is also a difficult size to acquire. However the other important aspect, and that is a person preference, is to have the handle sizes of 1.5 " all the same from 4kg to 40Kg. The quality is the best of all the kettlebells I have or seen. I hate to paint them as the finish is like glass, but I like mine with color. I think it is better for eye recognition but I have no scientific proof of this, it just works for me. Muscle driver has Kettlebell sizes from 4Kg to 60Kg.


Powerclean 125
21,15,12,9,6 reps for time.
9:20 time.
session was good except for the dips as my shoulders are stiffer than normal so I took it slow at 7 in the morning. As for the power cleans, the racking of the shoulders was not in ideal position except for the last couple of sets.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Shifting gears for winter.


" no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning ones self"
F. Nietzsche


Dead lifts 3,3,3,3,3,3,3 with 300# Barbell.

15- 50 yard sprints.

Got a new pair of running racing flats to break in for the fall and winter running season. Its always been my favorite to run in the fall as it keeps the body weight in check for the reduction of outside activities that tend to decline in the winter. The air always smells sharp and fresh and makes training a pleasure regardless of the terrain.

Nov. 9th

"Hope is a walking dream"


150 wall balls- 75 with 12Kg kettkebell, 75 with medicine ball.

Now that the leaves are falling, its time to change to winter time training until spring. What does that mean? Well it mean that there is less out side activities such as biking and shorter daylight. So its time to displace some of the biking with running and have to spend more time in the gym instead of my outside play yard. No big deal, as its good to make big changes in routines so you don't plateaus.

Nov. 10th

"Take calculated risks,is different from being rash.
George s Patton

WOD Cindy with a swing.
5 Pull ups

10 floor push ups

15 squats

20 swings with 24Kg. KB American style

20 minutes in as many rounds.
12 rounds completed.

Nov. 11 Veteran's day
"sometime they will give a war and no one will come"
Carl Sandburg

Today is the day to remember or veteran serving and who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. It seems as long as I can remember there has been some war or major military action around the world. There seems to be no end to it. In some of the hearts and minds of the American public this is the extent of the parade.
1000 meter rowing
25 double unders
750 meters rowing
50 double unders
500 meter rowing
100 double under
23 mins. time.

This is the first rowing I have done in 2 years and feels good to be back. I lost my concept 2 rower in a fire some time ago so its been close to 2 years without rowing. I did compete in the Ergs years back and how can you forget the pain that inflicts!
anyway erg rowing is a great indoor training, but its not for everyone.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Kettlebells to the rescue


"Let me tell you of my secret that has lead me to my goal, my strength lies solely in my tenacity"

Louis Pasteur

20 single rep squats 205
20 pullup with 18lbs to waist.

I hear a lot fr0m gym club members lamenting about how they are not getting the results they think they should be getting from their training. Well the first thing that you have to ask your self is, did you establish a fitness goals in regards to body composition, weight and performance?You would also have to consult a fitness professional to help your in this process so you have realistic goal parameters that fit your lifestyle and current condition. What happen most often They try to go it alone, work with a minimal knowledge of fitness or not have a experience base to know what can be accomplished.

90% of most people who train in a gym just want to have a general level of fitness and appearance, Although they might fantasize to a much higher level, most are not willing to put in the time and effort it requires. It just take some good old fashion relentless effort to make progress, which may be slow coming but it will happen.

Now If you use a kettlebell program, you have a simple fitness method, that does not take hours of training. You will get your strength, cardio, balance, and flexibility training in 30-45 min. 3-4 days a week. Therefore with a minimalist effort you can have your modest fitness goal and get measurable results..........that's no dream.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

the bells are ringing.


"Ask advice of only of your equals"
Danish Proverb.


3 rounds for time.

10 pullups
20 box jumps
20 KB wall balls
20 double unders
20 thrusters DB
20 landmine twists.
28 min. and one hell of a session. (I must have made this up for someone else)

Sometimes I am often asked to were to purchase Kettlebells for ones self. Well I have samples of most of all the brands out there so I can provide some guidance on the acquisition process. When you first decide to get your own Kettlebells, you should evaluate your strength and usage so you can determine what size to purchase. Size does matter you know. Its best to start a little heavy as you grow into the resistance quickly if you practice often. consider a next size up as well depending on your discretionary income. Next Kettlebells come in units of measure of pounds and Kilos. The traditional sizing is kilos but we Americans never did adopt to the change to the metric system so they also come in pounds. However some companies only carry one type of units usually.
Cost will give you "sticker shock" as they are two to three time more expensive then a dumbbell. The to top that off is the absorbent shipping cost. The shipping cost is usually one third of the base price of the kettlebell. After knowing all that you may wonder it its worth it and just buy dumbbells. I not going to compare the difference or similarities of kettlebell VS dumbbells, all I know I never took a dumbell on vacation, to the park or to the gym, but I always carry a kettlebell to practice.
I have my personal preferences in regards to kettlebells and that is no so much manufacturer but quality of the handle and sizing which has to have a constant size diameter from the smallest to the largest. I could care less of the paint color as I paint my own as they get scratched fast when you use them aggressively.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

turn back time.

Nov 4th

"there is never enough time unless you are serving it."

Malcolm Forbes.


Nasty girls.( I don't know who they were but I will decline to meet them)

three rounds for time:

50 air squats on ball.

7 muscle ups( did them in two stages with extra dips)

125# dead hang Power clean.

7min 18 sec, and I could do no more.

50 ab rollers and stretching.

Well it that time of year when we turn the clocks back and gain an hour. They say this is the last year for this change with has lost its purpose of when we as a nation were an agrarian society. What comes to mind is that my training has turned the clocks back to a simpler time, when you just ran outside, lifted simple weights like Kettlebells, and Performed basic exercises without all the complication of the machines and computers. Men and woman even as far back as the early 1900's were still able to have solid physical development without the equipment we use today and the supplements we ingest. It was not about the club or facilities, truth is, you need very little in equipment to become fit and strong. As time goes on I will show you lots of options used in the past successfully.

Friday, November 02, 2007

KB and Barbell mix.


"Americans will put up with anything as long as it does not block traffic.

Dan Rather.


Barbell snatches or KB snatches.


32Kg for 30 reps with each arm.


125# barbell 30 reps.


I could never just work with one kind of fitness tool. I love my toys......all of them. But then again Johnny never gets boarded with his practice sessions.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

outside training.


" Freedom is just chaos with better lighting."
Allen dean foster.


Snatch grip dead lift. 10 sets of 3

weighted pull ups 10 set of 3

KB floor press 10 sets of 3

I believe that you will never reach your fitness potential by training in the confines of a gym all the time. I know most gym owners don't really want to hear that, but they need not fear as we are just talking about occasional venture in the wide open spaces for variety. Now there are sports that really require the majority of activities to be participated in outside, like rowing, running track, bike road racing, skiing, and they in reverse having to spend more time in the gym to get stronger. So get outside a smell the fresh crisp fall air before the snow flies.