Friday, April 16, 2010

Long cycle press today for a change.

April 15th.

12 mile bike time trial with big gear on rail trail. Not great but the season is early. Nothing like a little discomfort.
Dumbell press warmup 25-40lbs sets of 5 with anchoring
Kettlebell long cycle press: 28kg 3 reps per min. (new exercise)
Floor press 36kg sets of 3 with hold.
The low rep long cycle press is not bad as you get your ATP back up but it’s the rack hold that gets me. Rest more overhead.
April : 14th.
Kettlebell boot camp in the morning

Warmup with stretch bands and joint mobility.
Rack DL heavy: just below knee sets of 3 reps
Box step-ups with Heavy dumbbells: 18” box sets of 5 reps
Dumbell cleans:
GHD back extentions
Heavy bag for 10 min.
18 mile bike ride at a easy pace to recoup
5 min of SHOT work on old wall
April 12th.
Warm-up: Indian clubs and stretch bands
100 reps barbell deadlift
100 reps KB push jerk
100 reps KB SDHP
100 reps KB thrusters
Later in the day, barbell rack pulls
April 11th.
23 mile bike ride in the cool morning. Pushed the hills and good pace on the flats.
April 10th. Sat.
2 mile run on track and ½ mile walk to relax.
Went over to my abandoned building to work on the 10lb, S.H.O.T training with the D-ball. I have to talk with Jeff, but this is not easy by any standard. It looks real simple but its yields some real affects that you would not expect. However, its real fun!

Rested for an hour then back to business.
2-12kg kettlebell……….1 press, 3 jerks, 5 push jerks as one set.
2-20kg kettlebell ……….1 press, 3 jerks, 5 push jerks as one set.
2-24kg kettlebell……….. 1 press, 3 jerks, 5 push jerks as one set.(3rounds)
2-28kg kettlebell……….. 1 press, 3 jerks(3sets)
No stopping except to change weights
April 9th. Rest…… did not feel the need but if you don’t do it every so often it bits you in the ass.
April 8th.
Warmup: Indian clubs, stretch bands.
2 min sets each arm:
16kg cleans and push jerks 2 sets
20kg cleans and push jerks 5 sets
28kg cleans and jerks 3 sets
Did 5 pullups each 4 min set. Lost count of reps but it was reciprocal action I was after.
Second session:
24 kg KB long cycle 1 min sets
Power cleans 75 reps with 100#
10 min. on heavy bag
Kettlebell boot camp at night. Good class as we did a session of “deck of cards”

1 comment:

Boris T said...

What kind of bike do you ride?