Tuesday, August 04, 2009

aug 7th

Aug 7th.

The other day a 48 year old male entered a LA Fitness gym during and aerobic class, filled mainly with females, and open fired killing three women and wounding a dozen more. The only good thing he did that day was that he took out his trusty 45 and blow his brains out.

This sick prick was on the web via his blog telling all who would read or listen to his rantings that he could not get a female date with a fist full of hundreds in a whore house. So he careful plotted his revenge on all women by going into this club where all the victims were there to improve their lives and not to be molested or harmed by the degenerates of our society. The problem is that there are more then one of these sickOs out there ready to act out their deviant actions. Why did No one picked up on this mental train wreak?

WO du jour:

Warmup: Indian club, stretch bands, mace circles.
20 min of long cycle with 16kg kettlebell, one min hand changes.
24kg ladders 1-10 reps. long cycle.
32kg ladders 1-5 long cycle

Aug 6th.

WO du jour:
20 mile bike ride with MT bike. Very good ride as the weather was like fall.

Aug. 5th.

WO du jour:
Warm up with Heavy bag and Indian clubs.
Deadhang cleans barbell. 15 sets of 115lbs. -155 lbs
Barbell push jerk; 15 sets of 2 115-135lbs.

Second session;
16Kg. kettelbell bottoms up long cycle 10 sets of 10
8 sets of rowing 30/30 sec intervals for watts.

Aug. 4th.

WO du jour:
Warmup with jump rope, bands and joint mobility.
6min snatch with 12kg at 16 reps per min.
6 min snatch with 12kg at 18 reps per min.
6 min snatch with 16kg at 16 reps per min.
24kg swing for 1 min each hand
Aug 3rd.

WO du jour:

Heavy warm up for shoulder work. Bands, work the heavy bag, and Indian Clubs.
3 times 3 min long cycle with 2-16kg kettlebells.
6 min. long cycle with 1-20 kg kettlebell with one hand switch.
24 kg ladder 1-10 reps

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