Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Military purging the “biggest Looser’ candidates to thin the herd.

 June 17th
I was reading last week that the military is purging a large number of soldiers, sailors, airmen from their ranks, as the wars wind down, and we cut and run. Also the president in a national address stated that the “war on terror” is over and we only have to deal with a few malcontents on case by case operations. I am sure that the jihadist did not get that memo but denial and bullshit wins out these days.

            So what the best way to get rid of the excess military manpower? Past practice in other wars, has been tighten up standards and regulations.(piss them off with chicken shit)  In war you need all the swinging dicks you can keep, so when there is some undesirable behaviors like drugs, alcohol, poor fitness and sex abuse, are generally overlooked. Also fitness standards are also relaxed so, many fatten up to become future candidates for the “biggest Looser” program, are also given a pass.

Back to culling the herd.

            The Army is now releasing 15,000 soldiers for not meeting fitness standards. They are overweight or out of shape to pass the general fitness test(APFT) and increased BMI. My first question is; why did you let this go too far in allowing your troops to get out of shape by not constant monitoring and apporperate leadership to maintain standards? ( I guess You needed a lot of warm bodies at the front like Stalingrad) Most lightly these are good solders that just did not spend enough time keeping somewhat fit and got caught up in the end of war purges.
            It’s a fact that the military jobs are for the most part like civilian jobs, only a few require high levels of fitness, to perform your job classification. Think about yourself being a “drone” operator, sitting hours watching a monitor with a “joy stick” operation as your only body movement. The opposite end of the military jobs are your sec ops warrior personnel like SEAL’s and Rangers which require much higher fitness levels than even the APFT don’t begin to address, is much too weak for  those jobs. Then there is the stress and routine of war operations; basically eat,fight,sleep,and eat some more day after day.

             I can recall being on an Aircraft carrier during Nam war, and operating 24-7, for months, in an endless routine of 4 on 4 off watch’s. You woke up to eat before watch and eat after you got off. I gain 50 lbs in one year, even having a very physical job, but we had no time to exercise and we all ate like fucking pigs! Like most military at the time of enlistment, you were out of shape physically but you were not that overweight. I entered that Navy at 150lbs and 7 years later left the military (on my normal discharge date) at 240lbs. The military at the time was also winding down, but my skill sets were unique and they did not care if I weighted 400 lbs as long as I could perform your profession. Yes, I gained a lot of weight over my enlistment, I fault my poor uneducated eating habits or food selections for my weight gain, but today the nutritional education is much improved but few comply and divert to hedonism. 
So it real easy to purge 15,000 overweight soldiers or out of shape to reduce manpower, without taking responsibility for how they got that way.
Eat responsibly and exercise or you will become fat fuck weather in war or civil life!

The mission is sacred.
