Back to training after a long week layoff from the summer
training. I normally don’t take a lot of
time off as I recover after a couple of days, however, I found that
prolonged layoffs are unnecessary and counterproductive. I felt like shit after
3 days. The “Sandy” storm diverted my life style for a week due to the loss of
power and looking after others during the emergency. Anyway I will not start where I left off that
will be suicide and injury outcome.
Lets startup again: 20 rep stage for hypertrophy for at
least 2 weeks to check out the body and what need improvement.
Start with low weight KB,DB and BB exercises, followed by
body Wt, sets as backup. 30 min of exercises; 20 in all like Deadlifts, DB
clean and press, KB snatch, Ring pushups, etc.
NYC canceled the biggest Marathon.
Just on
late Friday the organizers of the New York City Marathon canceled the race due
to the aftermath of “Sandy” mega storm and its huge impact on the city and the sounding
areas. The city was in no position to put on such an event this size, as it
goes through all five boroughs in areas that are not living well at this time.
Lights were out,no water, heat, in many areas in the city as they made the announcement.
decision to stop the race come at a loud out cry from the media (pressure from pubic) and people on
the street, who put up such a stink that it forced both the mayor and the race
leaders, who did not want to stop the race. What really put the nail in the coffin
was a front page picture in the NY Post of mega Kw generators standing by for the pre race party
what could be used for homes and business without power. I have run a lot of marathons and ultras in New
York City, and the public has always been great. However, as so many people are
going without food, water, transportation, and a place to live, runners would
have a very cold reception. Father more, I even think they may have heard some
boos and rotten fruit as a protest. Therefore the race canceled saved the runners a unpleasant event
on all fronts considering all the inconveniences. Lastly the race organizers
should had “man-up” and stop the race after the storm, knowing the impact, but
instead they procrastinated and made people from overseas come to NYC all to be
told the race in not happing.
Runners are
good people who just want some physical enjoyment and would have accepted the
change for the good of the community. But a big boo for the NYCRRC management
for not supporting the community needs from the outset and it going to take
some doing to recover this event.
As a side story,
one of my first marathons many yeas ago was in NYC when they ran the even totally inside
Central Park. Central Park is was a great run at the time as there was less
than a thousand runers, really colorful tree lined race course. Having run the
last race in Central park when it got too big in the late 70’s during the
running boom, I can attest that it was just for totally committed marathon runners.
Four, six mile hilly loops, of central park with only family to watch made for
a very tough marathon!
Maybe next year we can all forget what happen this year and move foward to have another mega event and recover the excitment of this race has always projected.
"the mission is sacred"